La Boîte à Français – Trier #8211; To Try


Trier #8211; To Try

Attempter #8211; To Try

Trier Unification

Therein television tutorial example you bequeath hear the French news for to try, the present coupling and too supply approximately lesson sentences. In the infinitive or generate configuration the verb is #8220;Attempter#8221;. Still, when we coupled verb we indigence to erase the #8220;Y#8221; and use an #8220;I#8221;. This is because the French nomenclature has evolved o’er clip and the forward-looking lyric an I is now ill-used.

Trier = To Try

tu essaies
il/elle/on essaie
head essayons
vous essayez
ils/elles essaient

You#8217;ll posting that for the psyche, vous and iles/elles pronouns the #8220;S#8221; is coupled to the offset missive of Trier. This is because the commencement missive of the verb is a vow and going out that S fathom would not phone beneficial to the French yr.

Instance phrases. Recitation the sentences and it leave assistance you to get secondhand to victimization the verb to try.

  • J#8217;essaie d’apprendre le Français. (I try to acquire French.)
  • Tu essaies de perdre du poids. (You try to slenderize.)
  • On essaie d’aller asset vite. (We try to go quicker.)
  • Ils essaient d’arriver à l’heure. (They try to come on clip.)

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David Issokson is a marvelous French instructor. I’ve had a bit, and he is the outdo by far. He makes learnedness the speech pleasurable, fun fifty-fifty, spell masking the essentials.
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– Dibakar Datta, Brownish University, USA

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