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Daybook of Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders

  • CiteScore: 1.79 ℹ CiteScore measures the norm citations standard per papers promulgated therein rubric. CiteScore values are based on credit counts in a presumption yr (e.g. 2015) to documents promulgated in iii premature calendar days (e.g. 2012 – 14), shared by the figure of documents in these ternary premature geezerhood (e.g. 2012 – 14).
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  • Hob Cistron: 1.542Encroachment Cistron:2015: 1.542The Elf Component measures the norm act of citations standard in a exceptional yr by document promulgated in the diary during the two past geezerhood. © Thomson Reuters Diary Credit Reports 2016
  • 5-Year Elf Component: 1.675Five-Year Gremlin Constituent:2015: 1.675To forecast the phoebe class Encroachment Gene, citations are counted in 2015 to the late cinque age and dual-lane by the beginning items promulgated in the premature fivesome age. © Daybook Quotation Reports 2016, Promulgated by Thomson Reuters
  • Origin Normalized Impingement per Theme (Clip): 0.839Reference Normalized Encroachment per Newspaper (Crop):2015: 0.839SNIP measures contextual credit elf by weight citations based on the add turn of citations in a study.
  • SCImago Daybook Outrank (SJR): 0.853SCImago Daybook Range (SJR):2015: 0.853SJR is a prestigiousness measured based on the estimation that not all citations are the like. SJR uses a like algorithm as the Google foliate grade; it provides a quantitative and a qualitative bill of the journal’s hob.
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This covering allows readers to interactively research analyzed neuroimaging information submitted with the clause, and to download the master information files.

Diary of Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders (JOCRD) is an outside diary that publishes superiority explore and clinically-oriented articles dealings with all aspects of obsessive-compulsive cark (OCD) and related weather (OC spectrum disorders ; e.g. trichotillomania. billboard.

Daybook of Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders (JOCRD) is an external diary that publishes superiority enquiry and clinically-oriented articles dealings with all aspects of obsessive-compulsive distract (OCD) and related weather (OC spectrum disorders ; e.g. trichotillomania. billboard. eubstance dysmorphic disarray ). The daybook invites studies of clinical and non-clinical (i.e. pupil) samples of all age groups from the fields of psychopathology, psychology, neuroscience, and early checkup and wellness sciences. The diary’s liberal direction encompasses sorting. judgment. psychological and psychiatrical handling. bar. psychiatry. neurobiology and genetics. Clinical reports (descriptions of groundbreaking handling methods) and record reviews on all aspects of OCD-related disorders volition be considered, as volition theoretic and follow-up articles that pee worthful contributions.

Desirable topics for manuscripts admit:

  • The boundaries of OCD and relationships with OC spectrum disorders
  • Substantiation of assessments of obsessive-compulsive and related phenomena
  • OCD symptoms in divers sociable and ethnic contexts
  • Studies of neurobiological and transmitted factors in OCD and related weather
  • Data-based and descriptive psychiatry and epidemiologic studies
  • Studies on relationships among cognitive and behavioural variables in OCD and related disorders
  • Interpersonal aspects of OCD and related disorders
  • Valuation of psychological and psychiatrical discussion and bar programs, and predictors of event.

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